If anything should be removed its Mark Sanderson - I doubt he started taking the emblems in his late 20's no later than memorial 1992. How did he ever ""stick by" when many of his parents and grandparents generation suffered greater hardships for the so called "truth". It is interesting how the wiki page describes the emergence of FDS=GB and then read what Ray stated about such a move emerging. If anyone has been proven true it is what Ray stated about what would occur if the trend towards a GB hegemony was allowed.
Simon Morley
JoinedPosts by Simon Morley
WTF? Tried Jehovahs Witnesses to delete Raymond from Wikipeda a couple minutes ago?
by Dold Agenda ini was just googling jehovas and this appears in the list at wikipedia abou raymond franz.. *theinformationon this page was removed by responsible members of the legal coorporation of jehovah's witnesses,watchtower bible and tract society of new york,inc for the sole purpose that this page spread false information about a former member of jehovah's witnesses.the authors of the page are liable and did not remain neutral with regards to the information presented.we request you write a written apology to us..
apperently that didint work out.. (cur | prev)17:32, 29 january 2013 titodutta(talk | contribs) m.
New Member-Active Elder
by Promitheas ini'm a new member & i'd like to say hi to everyone, intoducing myself.. i am a 3rd generation born-in at mid 50's & an active elder.. english is not my mother language, so pls ignore any grammatical errors.
i live in a small country in europe.. i'd like to thank you for all information posted.
some of them have rally helped me to understand and examine again my beliefs.. last new light concerning f&ds=gb has verified the idea that they are popes in the position op pope.. i still believe in god & in his son jesus christ but not in the gb..
Simon Morley
Welcome! I too was an active elder when I signed up, I found the complete opposite of what I was "told" of those who do not share the same viewpoint as active JW's from my encounters on this site. Do not be afraid to express your feelings or even ask what might be seen as dumb - the majority of people here are friendly and deeply concerned about everyone's wellbeing spiritually and even physically. You will need them all as you go through the next part of your journey to freedom. Without the friends on this site the fade I took would have been a lot harder. Unlike the spirit of the GB - nobody here will kill the wounded. Come back often as we all need each other to overcome the obstacles and be helped to walk true once again. May you find peace of mind that leaving is not a sin. God and his son never intended us to be kowtowed to men for our worship to be found acceptable.
Need Some Tough Love & Help
by Simon Morley innot sure how to approach this but here goes.....my wife discovered a porn site on the computer tonight.
yes, i was going to them, and i was foolish to think i could never get caught.
i have been visiting them for some years, not a daily problems, but occasionaly every month or so - still a problem wethere its once or a hundred times.
Simon Morley
I am stating to come to terms with things. Another night on the basement couch. I am going to broach the subject of going back to our therapist as early as possible. I am am also reconciled in my mind that I have masterbated over the years more than I have viewed pornography. It was a release of tension, self-soothing and was quick. It got easier to that than take care of my wifes needs. I see it and get it. I can change, the porn is not an addiction its another way for release from tension for me. The bad side is that I negelected my wife - It is not that I don't love my wife - I do. I am going to try to bring it back together - but ist going to take al lot of time. Thank you to all for you help and comments, lts move onto other things.
Need Some Tough Love & Help
by Simon Morley innot sure how to approach this but here goes.....my wife discovered a porn site on the computer tonight.
yes, i was going to them, and i was foolish to think i could never get caught.
i have been visiting them for some years, not a daily problems, but occasionaly every month or so - still a problem wethere its once or a hundred times.
Simon Morley
00DAD: you mentioned the fact that the WTBTS has recently written letters to the BOEs softening the stance on even elders viewing pornography proves it's very common and not going away. Do you have some specifics yopu could share?
Need Some Tough Love & Help
by Simon Morley innot sure how to approach this but here goes.....my wife discovered a porn site on the computer tonight.
yes, i was going to them, and i was foolish to think i could never get caught.
i have been visiting them for some years, not a daily problems, but occasionaly every month or so - still a problem wethere its once or a hundred times.
Simon Morley
It will bother my daughter - I am 100% on that - her 1st husband was a JW and much the same happened. She is married again and very happy.
Need Some Tough Love & Help
by Simon Morley innot sure how to approach this but here goes.....my wife discovered a porn site on the computer tonight.
yes, i was going to them, and i was foolish to think i could never get caught.
i have been visiting them for some years, not a daily problems, but occasionaly every month or so - still a problem wethere its once or a hundred times.
Simon Morley
All: My wife and daughter left first in mid 2009 after a debacle involving university (long story). I left in February 2010, yeah made easier by their exit. We have not been at a meeting now in over three years. Today has been pure hell for her, endless capitalized texts that call me a pedofile, porn pig, you can imagine how vitorilic it is. The site I visited was not anything to do with children or violence.
Nothing I say has any merit it simply rings hollow (rightly so I guess) and the anger has subsided some as the garage was full of my stuff for the garbage and she threw a bottle at my car when i got home tonight. Now she says she is out to ruin me "110%"by telling my boss, coworkers, ex JW's and that to expect the elders to get wind of it and "get you DF'd". She says there is no hope as we were at counseling in September and I did not come clean then - things were great until yesterday. She said that she felt a glimmer of hope, a small thread that is now gone.
Now she is sobbing unconsolingly saying this is the last straw, that I have not cared or loved her all (yes, I was not a great husband) the years in the JW's, that i lorded it over and that any shred of repect is gone - she keeps asking how I could do this - I cant seem to find the words that would help. Any offer to say that we can work though this is met with more vitrolic. I know this can be beat, but it will not be easy. I went three months without going to sites, yesterday i actully got up and walked away leaving the computer on but the stupid sites left up. I wish I could do soemthin positive to show that this not the end, but she reminds me of my lack of affection during 20 years as JW's and the baggage she and my daughter carry because of the hypocrisy she now sees in me.
She does not know if she can keep it until after Xmas and tell my daughter then. She is debating going to the therapist tomorrow to see what she would recommend as to how to tell our daughter.
Another thing to pile on top - my wife now has shingles very bad and painful. I feel an abosolute s#it.
Need Some Tough Love & Help
by Simon Morley innot sure how to approach this but here goes.....my wife discovered a porn site on the computer tonight.
yes, i was going to them, and i was foolish to think i could never get caught.
i have been visiting them for some years, not a daily problems, but occasionaly every month or so - still a problem wethere its once or a hundred times.
Simon Morley
its not going well. a lot of texts about betrayal of her, my daughter and the people I pretended to "flock - instead you were getting your joillies watching porn" . I feel like just letting her rant and not respond...
Need Some Tough Love & Help
by Simon Morley innot sure how to approach this but here goes.....my wife discovered a porn site on the computer tonight.
yes, i was going to them, and i was foolish to think i could never get caught.
i have been visiting them for some years, not a daily problems, but occasionaly every month or so - still a problem wethere its once or a hundred times.
Simon Morley
Thanks all. I have told my wife about the site, i don't think it would help. It seems her biggest issue (last hour of texts) is my hypocrisy while being an elder and that in promoting certain virtues, moral and religious beliefs I was guilty of violating such beliefs. I am hoping she can get over the initial anger of the betrayal and that reason can set in and I can begin to work at restoring her confidence in me. How should I respond (if at all) to the texts? Just agree and move on....
Need Some Tough Love & Help
by Simon Morley innot sure how to approach this but here goes.....my wife discovered a porn site on the computer tonight.
yes, i was going to them, and i was foolish to think i could never get caught.
i have been visiting them for some years, not a daily problems, but occasionaly every month or so - still a problem wethere its once or a hundred times.
Simon Morley
Doc: Thanks you have a PM
Need Some Tough Love & Help
by Simon Morley innot sure how to approach this but here goes.....my wife discovered a porn site on the computer tonight.
yes, i was going to them, and i was foolish to think i could never get caught.
i have been visiting them for some years, not a daily problems, but occasionaly every month or so - still a problem wethere its once or a hundred times.
Simon Morley
mrsjones5: Thanks, I am starting to come out of the fog a bit more - I think that my wife putting it off till after Xmas is a good sign - if she wanted to destroy me she would have got on the phone first think this morning. I honestly believe the low T is a major contributing factor - I never masturbated frequently - Once over a 6 - 8 week period at most. My hugest fear with intimacy with my wife was the failure to maintain the erection and loose it midway - I wanted to avoid that. Low T also gave me weight problems and HBP (160/120)